Nasa wallops twitter
Nasa wallops twitter

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The following 3 public ship avoidance areas will be in effect during these launch windows bound by: a 60 nautical mile hazard area approximately 53.3 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 37-36.66N /74-24.14W, 113.4 nautical mile hazard area approximately 325.5 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 36-3.28N /69-4.73W, 143 nautical mile hazard area approximately 1228.4 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 29-6.89N /53-12.34W.

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The primary launch date is scheduled for Wallops Island, VA on Decemfrom 5:30 pm to 11:15 pm (Est), with the following back up dates and times: Mariners are advised the launch director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia has advised that the area in the Atlantic Ocean within the existing danger zone off Wallops Island and Chincoteague Inlet (depicted in 33 CFR 334.130) as shown on Nautical Ocean Service chart 12210, will be hazardous to navigation because of a rocket launch during the periods and times stated below. Quote from: USCG VA - ATLANTIC OCEAN - WALLOPS ISLAND – ROCKET LAUNCH For any concerns contact surveillance coordinator Jordan West at (757) 824-2949 or launch director John Dickerson at (757) 894-2094. Mariners planning on operating in these areas are requested to contact "Wallops Plot" via VHF-FM Ch.

nasa wallops twitter

The following 3 public ship avoidance areas will be in effect during these launch windows bound by: a 60 nautical mile hazard area approximately 53.3 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 37-36.66N /74-24.14W, 76.3 nautical mile hazard area approximately 291.7 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 36-21.1N /69-41.13W, 104.2 nautical mile hazard area approximately 1213.5 nautical miles east of Wallops Island launch pad at center point of position 29-17.81N /53-24.72W. Quote from: USCG ****VA - ATLANTIC OCEAN - WALLOPS ISLAND – ROCKET LAUNCH****

Nasa wallops twitter